On 6/15/2011 9:06 AM, Dethe Elza wrote:
On 2011-06-15, at 8:55 AM, Ian Piumarta wrote:

If a wiki is the kind of "database" you had in mind, please feel free to make 
use of:

Thanks for setting this up, Ian. When I go to Log in/ create account I don't 
see any way to actually create an account. I tried both Chrome, Firefox and 
Safari on OS X.

description sounds like it is specific to the FoNC / VPRI projects...

in my case, I am working on my own technology for my own purposes, so I really don't know how it would fit.

FWIW, all of my VM/language stuff is generally being released under the MIT license (sort of... me and putting things online has been hit or miss, as for me going and putting in all the header comments). other parts of the project (mostly my 3D stuff) are likely to be proprietary though (me trying to devise some way to actually make an income here...).

however, I just figure ideas can be provided if/when they seem relevant.

admittedly, I sort of believe the "implementation is the thing" mindset to be a bit wrong, and personally believe that having (or at least allowing for) multiple implementations is a better policy. many people in FOSS land though don't really seem to believe in this, leading some projects to have a sort of "authority" thing going on, and the creators to not be open to the possibility of alternative implementations, which is sad...

a downside though is that the above generally requires fairly comprehensive documentation and standardization, otherwise one may end up with a mass of only partially-compatible implementations (which is not likely nearly as beneficial).

modularity is also good though, as personally I don't believe homogeneity to be a workable strategy either, and implementations need some room for freedom as well. hence, leading to a belief for the need for abstract APIs and black-boxes.


or such...

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