On 6/16/2011 8:43 AM, Frederick Grose wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:34 AM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com <mailto:cr88...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 6/15/2011 8:04 PM, BGB wrote:

        On 6/15/2011 3:22 PM, Ian Piumarta wrote:

            On Jun 15, 2011, at 14:09 , BGB wrote:


                description sounds like it is specific to the FoNC /
                VPRI projects...

            Sorry about that.  I left the original main page, figuring
            that people would just start a new page and when some
            useful content had been accumulated we'd rearrange things
            on the main page.  Misconception corrected.

        yeah, cool.

        (was gone much of the day, recently got back).

        I went and created this page (partly as a test):

        I generally tried to keep it fairly generic.

        I opted with this for the moment, rather than describing my
        own stuff, as I am not certain the level of
        "project-specificness" which is appropriate.

    ended up writing a few more articles, mostly about generic
    programming-language stuff, but then was thinking that maybe the
    point of this is not to do like a half-assed Wikipedia and
    describe a bunch of general topics that probably most people here
    already know about (type-systems, class/instance and prototype OO,
    vtables and method dispatching, ...).

    even if, yes, I found some of this stuff personally relevant when
    implementing my own VM stuff. (sadly, much of my own thinking
    largely boils down to personal experiences and trivia...).

Practical experience, thoughtfully recorded, often helps in learning.


and, here, I guess one can go into a bit more detail than is generally done on Wikipedia, which is generally constrained mostly to a high-level overview, rather than allowing itself to delve into "implementation details". well, at least, so long as one doesn't want their article deleted as part of the peer-review process (not happened to me personally AFAICT, but there were a few articles like this I did find that were deleted).

    I guess the alternative would be that "we" (myself and others on
    this list?) write about our respective projects, and then comment
    on them?...

Having a glossary available for new learners is valuable, especially when terms are hyper-linked either to internal or other wiki pages such as those on Wikipedia.


When we get the version upgrade, we should install
, which allows convenient interwiki linking.

yep, could be useful...

basically, as the wiki apparently doesn't contain a whole lot of content thus-far, it wasn't as clear what sorts of content were appropriate.


    for my own uses, I am off downloading/installing MediaWiki (on my
    personal webserver), mostly that I can try writing about stuff
    without needlessly polluting the wiki with potentially irrelevant
    topics (and, I can possibly use it as a documentation system,
    probably alongside my present "write stuff in HTML using Composer"

got it up and working:

sort of empty at the moment, as I set it up at the cost of eating some into my sleeping time... and at putting off some homework which ideally I should have been doing...

meanwhile, my servers' battery (LiON) is never reaching full charge, which is sort of annoying (just sits there permanently with the charging light on...).

or such...

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