On 6/15/2011 8:04 PM, BGB wrote:
On 6/15/2011 3:22 PM, Ian Piumarta wrote:
On Jun 15, 2011, at 14:09 , BGB wrote:

description sounds like it is specific to the FoNC / VPRI projects...
Sorry about that. I left the original main page, figuring that people would just start a new page and when some useful content had been accumulated we'd rearrange things on the main page. Misconception corrected.

yeah, cool.

(was gone much of the day, recently got back).

I went and created this page (partly as a test):

I generally tried to keep it fairly generic.

I opted with this for the moment, rather than describing my own stuff, as I am not certain the level of "project-specificness" which is appropriate.

ended up writing a few more articles, mostly about generic programming-language stuff, but then was thinking that maybe the point of this is not to do like a half-assed Wikipedia and describe a bunch of general topics that probably most people here already know about (type-systems, class/instance and prototype OO, vtables and method dispatching, ...).

even if, yes, I found some of this stuff personally relevant when implementing my own VM stuff. (sadly, much of my own thinking largely boils down to personal experiences and trivia...).

I guess the alternative would be that "we" (myself and others on this list?) write about our respective projects, and then comment on them?...

for my own uses, I am off downloading/installing MediaWiki (on my personal webserver), mostly that I can try writing about stuff without needlessly polluting the wiki with potentially irrelevant topics (and, I can possibly use it as a documentation system, probably alongside my present "write stuff in HTML using Composer" strategy...).

(sadly, there is other stuff I should be doing right now, hmm...).

or such...

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