I think it was Julian, in message:


BTW, I'm having a hard time trying to find who said what in this mailing
list. Maybe I'm missing something, I feel  a bit silly, but here's the

_ Apparently, Google can't search this mailing list, I guess it's because
of its private nature. For instance, the query:

google site:http://vpri.org/mailman/private/fonc/2012/thread.html

shields no results.

_ I can search e-mails for keywords in my Gmail account, but when I find
one, I don't know what message number it is. I only see the date and time.

_ The mailing list web interface lets me arrange messages by date, but it
doesn't show me the date of each message in a column.

So what should I do?

As for centralization, I don't think you can avoid some degree of natural
centralization of trust. For instance, I tend to trust the VPRI people when
it comes to programming-related theory and ideas. Am I giving them too much
power? ;)

What should be avoided is single points of failure in infrastructure. I
should be able to decide whom to trust, without artificial limits imposed
by the technology.


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