On 2013-04-25 11:30AM, Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:
>(Speaking of new hardware, enchantMOON has gotten to the "pre-order"
>stage.  http://enchantmoon.com/)

Is there anything interesting about that other than that it appears to
have Scratch inside?  There doesn't seem to be anything on their website
other than a video, and from the video, the user interface looks to be
horrifyingly bad.

- It starts up with what looks like a moon waxing, but when it gets to
  be a full moon, you find out that it's *not* actually done loading,
  it's just displaying a moon spinning.  If you have a progress bar, it
  should either represent a fraction of progress or it should just give
  an indicator that the computer is busy and hasn't crashed and should
  very clearly *not* look like a fraction of anything.

- It seems to have a lot of interface glitz which just slows things down
  and serves no useful purpose whatever.  If I click a button, I don't
  want to watch a little explosion of growing dots, I just want it to go
  to the next screen.  It might be cute the first eight times, but after
  that it's just annoying.  For serious use, half a second to wait for
  some stupid animation to play before it does what I tell it to do is
  at least two or three times too long.

- The handwriting recognition is so incredibly slow that at one point
  the user starts to correct his writing thinking that the system hasn't
  recognized it at all...if I was going to use it, I'd want to see it be
  about an order of magnitude faster.  Isn't the rule of thumb that
  ideally things should take less than a tenth of a second, and if they
  take more than twice that they should show a progress or busy

- Buttons which orbit?  Really?  That's just incredibly stupid.  I don't
  want to have to read the buttons to figure out which one is which.  On
  a touch-screen device should definitely be able to just *know* where
  they are and be able to stab the right one without looking.

- And this is a trivial thing, but why are these people so totally
  incompetent that they posted a demo video with two minutes of blank
  frames at the end?  If they're so lazy that they can't be bothered to
  double-check a four-minute video before they post it, I definitely
  don't trust them to write software which doesn't suck.

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