I've been following FOP now for around 9 months and although I am not 
commercially using it anymore (thanks dot com crash), I am still 
interested in its development. I've been posting a few bug fixes on 
recently but not much more.

The recent re-factoring and talk of re-design has left me confused about 
how I can help. I work from home and have time on my hands, but I don't 
know where to apply myself as anything could change at anytime.

A re-design is needed as the code is like a rabbit warren. If we are 
able to continue development while working separately on the design, 
then great! But please lets not let this great project slow to a snails 
pace, because people will only keep coming back to using FOP if they 
know it's going to improve and expand.

My 2 Australian cents (worth about 0.00002 US)


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