> > Is there a document somewhere defining these things?

I thought there were java coding standards which covered the whole of
Apache Software Foundation? Hmmmm I suppose I ought to hunt for a URL.

The turbine people have discussed this to death - Since they are writing a Java 
library (or suite of libraries) this is more important for them
than for FOP which can be thought of as a standalone tool.

> We actually did agree (a long time ago) to style all code with indenting of
> 4 spaces (no tabs) and braces on the same line as method etc.

This is fine - remember folks - it isn;t whether the standard is right or
wrong but whether we all stick to the standard.
> The tool to do this (as mentioned by Steve) is jstyle (which has some bugs)
> or astyle.
> All committers should make an effort to format a file when committing if it
> is inconsistent, of course this can make it difficult to understand diffs.

My suggestion for this is that if you are editing a file and you see
formating which needs doing you might like to do the formatting - submit
a version into CVS, and then carry on with your changes - or Vice Versa.
It is much easier for everyone if formatting changes appear in their
own delta in cvs and not mixed up with serious code changes.

What do I know? I'm not even a committer on FOP

Alex McLintock        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Open Source Consultancy in London
OpenWeb Analysts Ltd, http://www.OWAL.co.uk/ 
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