Hi Mary,

Yes, to both questions. If you have created an .fo you can use a command
like "fop test.fo test.pdf", assuming you have some script or .bat file
called fop which will call java with the right arguments. There should
be (I hope) one in the binary download.
YOu can also use fop to directly convert xml and xsl to pdf.
 => fop -xsl foo.xsl -xml foo.xml -pdf foo.pdf
There are details in http://xml.apache.org/fop/running.html

Good luck and write again if you have problems. The most common problems
for beginners seem to be related to getting the Java classpath set up to
find everything fop needs.


"Thomas, Mary" wrote:
> Hi
> I am new in this.
> For testing purpose I have a .fo file
> Can I get a PDF right away.
> by going to Command line
> and type FOP  test.fo test.pdf
> If not what must I do to output an pdf document from .fo file
> I am assuming that I have created the .fo from an .xml and .xsl
> Can I also feed in
> a test.xml and test.xsl and get a pdf bypassing generation of .fo file
> THanks
> Mary
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