On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi.
> Good, but some typo and other files suffer from same un-escaped
> problem. Attached patch will fix typos and other files.

Thanks, I commited your patch. I'll do a thorough check for unicode
escapes tomorrow and will also take a look at Struan's fix.

Seems like jIndent didn't do a very good job with unicode escapes...
To jIndent's defence I must admit that I used version 2.1 which used to be
free, this might have been fixed in newer commercial versions.

Regarding jIndent breaking the 78 char linelength limit, that's to bad.
jIndent usually does a very good job with this. I guess submitting patches
with fixes for that would be ok.


> =======
> SASAKI Suguru
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