> Hi guyz,
> all my files that i made with fop (about 10000 each run) won't print... nor
> in our official printcenter nor on th normal printer except when i run it
> with adobe acrobat 5...
> is there a settting that i overlooked?
> please help...
> Jochen Maes
> ICT Development
> KBC Securities (kbcsecurities.com)
> Havenlaan 12 Avenue du Port SIF 8683
> B-1080 Brussels
> Belgium
>  Tel    :  +32 2 429 96 81
>  GSM    :  +32 496 57 90 99
>  E-mail :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i've had a similar problem before and it was font related.  check to see 
what fonts you've specified in the document, and what fonts acrobat 
thinks that it is using.  usually some type 1/truetype mix up.

i solved it but using the right type 1 fonts.


Phil Harling
Application Developer
Equity Derivatives Technology
Deutsche Bank
+44 20 754 76501

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