Joerg Pietschmann wrote:

> I thought I posted this two weeks ago.
Sorry Joerg, I have missed your post.

> I made some
> measurements with the FOP examples and a few other
> FO files an get roughly the following statistics:
> 45% no child (mostly text nodes, but also fo:page-number and fo:region-*)
> 40% one child (many blocks and basically all inline FOs in the examples)
> 10% 2-5 children
>>4%  6-9 children
> <1% more than 9 children.

I have tested today xsl spec in fo form (by renderx) as example of real-world 
document, it's 3.8 Mb file and I got a very similar results:
no children: 44%
1 child: 35%
more than 1: 21%

Well, I agree with Arved that 1 child case is a doubtful one and everything 
depends on implementation. From one side it's economy of memory for 9 objects 
in 35% of FObj objects but from other side it's creating of 1 superfluous 
object subject to gc (changing FObj to ArrayList) in 21%. Lets leave it for 
the future optimizations?
btw, isn't fo tree is read-only after it's building is done? What about arrays 
instead of ArrayLists?

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn International, Israel

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