
Style judgements are a very personal matter.  Personal tastes follow.

J.Pietschmann wrote:
> 1. I'd appreciate if indentation uses spaces instead of
>    tabs. And because I can avoid using tabs, I expect
>    everyone else avoiding tabs too.

This is pretty much a necessity because of the potential variability of 
tab expansion.  I've wanderered unknowingly into code written with hard 
tabs set to 2 spaces.  In many long years, I have _never_ changed the 
tab default, but other people do.  Having your editor substitute spaces 
makes for compatibility.

> 2. I'd really, really appreciate if assignments were
>    not made operands of other expressions, especially
>    not operands of comparisions in if statements:
>     if ((bp = getNextBreakPoss(childLC, null)) != null) {
>    I'd make some exceptions for more commonly used idioms
>    in while statements
>       while ((curLM = getChildLM()) != null) {
>    but IMO this still s*cks.

Oh dear.  I do it all the time, particularly with the latter idiom, 
which is awkward to avoid.  I can see the argument for avoiding the 
first, although it is a very deeply ingrained habit with me.

> 3. Exceptions should never, ever replace simpler flow
>    controls:
>      try {
>         return super.nextChar();
>      }
>      catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
>        if (bEndBoundary) {
>           bEndBoundary=false;
>           return CharUtilities.CODE_EOT;
>         }
>         else throw e;
>      }
>    Apart from the potential for confusion, throwing
>    exceptions is an expensive operation and should really
>    be reserved for rare and non-local exits.

No argument from me.

> 4. Some identifiers make me a bit uneasy, like "BreakPoss".
>    IMO random abbreviations should be avoided unless the
>    identifiers become really long and unwieldy, at least
>    in class names and preferably also in method names.
>    Furthermore, I think abbreviations should be used
>    consistently at least across class and method names:
>      public void setStructHandler(StructureHandler sh) {
>      public BreakPoss getBP() {
>      protected Position getPos(Object nextObj) {
>    Is it really worth to save a few characters this way?
>    Also, capitalization should be consistent:
>      class LMiter
>      interface BPLayoutManager

An interesting illustration of your argument.  BreakPoss is a break 
possibility, not a break position.  The problem with setting 
verbosity=full is that lines can get very long, and one ends up with 
multiple breaks in the line.  (Yes, a number of other discussions arise 

> 5. I don't think naming styles should be mixed without good
>    (and preferably explained) reason:
>      boolean m_bInited = false;
>    Yuck!
> 6. There seems to be a drive to use hungarian notation.
>    While I don't have a strong feelings for or against it,
>    I'd like to note that in all projects I've watched such
>    an efford was ultimately wasted. Usage universally
>    degraded over time, and causal and inconsistent usage
>    just makes the code look ugly.

I think the horse has already bolted on this one.

> 7. I think a bit more time should be spent to check general
>    consistency after wholesale copy&paste:
>       /**
>        * This is the top level layout manager.
>        * It is created by the PageSequence FO.
>        */
>       public FlowLayoutManager(FObj fobj) {
>    Well, bad things happen.

Good idea, but we can hardly go crook at anyone who misses something 
like this.  However, if one is about to engage in a wholesale c&p, it is 
probably worth asking, "Is there a better way?"

Peter B. West  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.powerup.com.au/~pbwest/
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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