The problem with this is really, that the old layout code is scattered
around in the FO tree (look for layout() methods). The redesign
introduces the layout managers which is a move to separate the logic
(layout code) from the data structure (FO tree). The keyword here is SoC
(Separation of Concerns). These are two completely different design and
I don't see a chance of properly doing what you propose. The new design
however really supports plugging in different implementations but I
don't see an easy way to bring over the old layout code.

On 02.11.2002 09:56:48 Victor Mote wrote:
> While we are in a brainstorming mode, please forgive me for throwing out
> another wild hare to consider. (This only makes sense if most of the
> differences are in the second class): Is it at all feasible to maintain both
> layout managers in one set of code? In other words, for the choice to be
> selectable or pluggable? Perhaps put the old logic into an oldlayout
> package. If there is a lot of potential commonality between the code, this
> would give us an opportunity to reunify the two branches right now, and
> simply blow the old stuff away at some point in the future when it is no
> longer needed. It would be worth *a lot* to get the branches unified if at
> all possible.

Jeremias Maerki

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