FOP Developers:

Attached is another Bugzilla URL that I think is useful -- a list of all
open items sorted by component. We may or may not want to put this on the
web site -- many users find the front door to Bugzilla intimidating, and
this may help them more readily find out whether the issue they are
concerned about has already been reported. I haven't figured out how to
eliminate [PATCH] entries from this list, but that might be a useful

BTW, I haven't found any doc on the mozilla site to help in building these
URLs. If anyone knows of some, I would be grateful. Also, if there are other
similar links that you would like to see, I'll be glad to take a stab at

(My apologies if this message posts twice -- I sent it from another email
address a few minutes ago & I think the mail server probably ignored it
because of the email address, so I am resending).

Victor Mote

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