System User here.

Use Background:
Ok, I'm working on a database where the primary inface is web based.
My client wants reports where the printed results is paginated and
PDF made sense, and using XML-FO to generate said documents also made

So, here's the rub

I want to be able to generate these PDF reports on the fly, however, I'm
not really wanting to use Jakarta-Tomcat as a Http server to accomplish
this. And I haven't figured out how to get the command line Fop to use
standard io for the files. ie, specifying - as the filename dosn't work.

I'm already using PostgreSQL and Apache with mod-perl to manage the data.
I'd like to be able to have the mod-perl spit the XML through FOP as a
filter and stream the results to the user.

Any ideas?


PS: yes, I have looked through the documentation, and I'd be happy to RTFM
if I could find the right one.

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