Robert Ferney wrote:

Use Background:
Ok, I'm working on a database where the primary inface is web based.
So I presume you have some server-side middleware between them.

I want to be able to generate these PDF reports on the fly, however, I'm
not really wanting to use Jakarta-Tomcat as a Http server to accomplish
Actually tomcat is a servlet engine, not http server. Do you mean you don't want to use servlets?

 And I haven't figured out how to get the command line Fop to use
standard io for the files. ie, specifying - as the filename dosn't work.
FOP's command line interface assumes input parameters are file names, but you can easily write a wrapper, which uses and System.out as input source and output stream respectively, see embedding page at, yes, that means embedding indeed.

I'm already using PostgreSQL and Apache with mod-perl to manage the data.
I'd like to be able to have the mod-perl spit the XML through FOP as a
filter and stream the results to the user.
Well, FOP is written in java and embedding it into a servlet is obviously trivial, but not into a perl program. You can run it there as executable "java MyFOPWrapper", but getting JVM up for each request would be a performance nightmare. Alternatively you can consider developing multithreaded FOP servlet, but it looks like reinventing the wheel. What's wrong with servlet engine?

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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