On 28.11.2002 17:15:46 Christian Geisert wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > From your original plan we still have to finish the documentation stuff,
> Yes the documentation needs at least to be checked for old versions, 
> errors etc. And it would be nice to document the ant task and new 
> extensions.

I can do some of this as soon as I know where to do it. (See my other

> > right? Maybe we can also include the reorganized directory layout. But
> I would rather do this after the release.


> > that will take another week or two, I guess. Especially because I'd like
> > to leave Jörg a chance to voice his opinion. Until then I will be able
> > to include my tutorial.
> IMHO documentation changes (in contrast to code changes) are no problem
> after the release candidate.

You're right.

Jeremias Maerki

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