On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 15:52, Salonen, Aki wrote:
> I am not using any forward references.
> I've debugged memory allocation and 
> noticed that FOP allocates about 700Kb of memory
> for each page processed. This remains allocated to the
> end of pagesequence.
> If I've understood right, it's AreaTree that grows bigger and bigger.

I think it is more likely a combination of the area tree, renderer and
things in the fo tree.

> Is there any way or is it possible with current design to implement
> explicit clearing of already handled/rendered objects/pages from AreaTree
> to enable GC to collect objects that are needed no more?

Not really. That is the whole idea of the current development, to make
these sort of things work better.

> I am intrested for donating work for FOP
> to make possible processing very long pagesequences.

That would be great.

> Aki

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