
I shall do that, although, never having had anything to do with Wikis before, I will be fumbling.

As you may have noticed, I have been somewhat distracted since the New Year. Among the things that require attention are my attempts at a pseudo-code-walkthrough style of documentation for the properties code. I hope to post my initial efforts tomorrow. I have struggled to make the documentation acceptable to Forrest, but the end result is not satisfactory, and I am hoping for some detailed suggestions once I get the pages up.

There are a couple of issues in the design of the properties code that will require decisions from the editors. I will detail these on the Wiki, and formulate questions for the editors in hopes of a quick reply.

Those things aside, the integration can probably proceed along the same vector as the current FO Tree integration - via the completion of page-sequence events. What will be interesting here is the possibility of defining a set of structure events for integration with the structure renderers like RTF, and I hope we can have some fruitful discussions with Bertrand on this.

Warning: extensive style policing will be required.

A bit to do over the next few days.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Hi all (and especially Peter)

I'd like to ask if and when we can integrate Peter's work into the main
redesign. If nobody is against this move in general, I'd volunteer to
help Peter integrate it. I've got some time for this and I think this
could help focus our limited resources.

Peter, would you add a Wiki page describing what needs to be done for
the integration and what others could help you with?
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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