My girlfriend just located both volumes at the University of Central Florida library 
and is bringing them home for me to peruse.

Vic, why don't you email me privately so we can discuss this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk-Willem van Gulik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 12:05 PM
To: mailing list fop-dev; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: source for hz algorithm

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Victor Mote wrote:

> I have been looking for some time for a source for the HZ (Hermann Zapf)
> algorithm which (as I understand) optimizes line breaks for multiple lines,
> looking for rivers, too many lines in a row ending in hyphens, etc. I think
> I first saw it referenced in Bringhurst's book, and that it was implemented
> by a  European company that is now out of business. I understand that TeX
> implemented it or something similar, and that Adobe may have used the TeX
> algorithm in InDesign. The closest thing I have found to a source for the
> algorithm itself is that Knuth's "Digital Typography" may have it or at
> least a discussion of it.

It is documented in either book 1 or 2 of Digital Typography by (I think!)
P. Karow, of URW (i.e.  the folks behind the Ikarus format (just google
for URW and Digital Typograhy or Ikarus)). I think it is in book one. The
books are an absolute 'must have' - but hard to get. Occasionally one can
be found second hand; usually from a art/font firm dealing with the
high end market of posters and other big print publications.

But the algorithm described there is not a computer one; but more a method
for someone cutting the scripts coming out of the linotypes and pasting
them on the wax board.


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