On 20.06.2003 21:23:50 Glen Mazza wrote:
> (1) Doc/Dri/whatever feed the FOTreeBuilder the xslfo
> and the render_type, calls Run()
> (2) Based on the render_type FOTreeBuilder either
> creates an area tree of its choosing, or doesn't
> (AWT/Print).

Even with AWT/Print an Area Tree is generated.

> If it does, it determines *which* type
> of area tree to create (Structure or MIF or the other
> one)--based again on the render_type.  The business
> logic for this would be in FOTreeBuilder.

But no area tree is generated when a StructureHandler (RTF/MIF) is

> Regardless of area tree decision, it is responsible
> for generating the report via its Run() function. 
> I.e., the area tree may just be a local variable of
> its run() rather than its current status as a member
> variable.
> Your idea is (non-graphical, I'm getting tired ;):
> <document class>
> foTree = foTreeBuilder.createFOTree();
> areaTree = areaTree.createAreaTree(foTree);
> You are correct--this is *very* elegant--problem is,
> from Keiron's writing, we just can't separate the
> FOTree from the area tree because of an unacceptable
> performance hit.

It doesn't need to be separated. But the building (!) of the FO tree is
separated from other code like layout or RTF generation.

> See: 
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fop-dev&m=105270887501490&w=2
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] FOTree needs to encapsulate the
> AreaTree, I thought the next best solution would be to
> divorce your document from knowledge of the AreaTree,
> rather than have both classes point to it.
> Here's food for thought--if we rename FOTreeBuilder to
> XSLFOProcessor, perhaps you would have less concerns
> about feeding it the render type.  We can make this
> centrally-located class the "octopus" of the
> application, rather than the left-side
> Document/API/APPs class.


Jeremias Maerki

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