>M. Sean Gilligan wrote:
>>Is there any interest in accepting this change?


>Commonly a patch should be submitted as an enhancment
>request in bugzilla,

Bug #21380 has the patch for the  0_20_2-maintain branch
Bug #21381 has the patch for the HEAD branch

I hope I did everything correctly.  Let me know if you need any more information.

Also, I made "force=true" the default option for 0_20_2-maintain, but if the 
committers feel that it is OK to "force=false" the default, I give an (uncounted) +1 
to that approach.

(If someone is using external entities or something like that they'll have to add 
"force=true" to the ant task to get the behavior they want, but it is probably a 
fairly rare use-case.  Typically, Ant tasks, such as javac and xslt/style, use mod 
date dependencies by default.)

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.



M. Sean Gilligan                    : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Catalla Systems, Inc.               : 831-439-9568 x11

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