Until recently, the command-line interface of the trunk was basically
ignored due to other priorities. Configuration certainly has changed a
bit, but is obviously unfinished (Gradual move to Avalon Configuration,
inrtoduction of the Confihurable interface, work in progress). IMO it's
low priority to fix the command-line in the trunk. Until we have some
almost-0.20.5-level in layout, the CLI is not very helpful.

On 29.07.2003 03:54:22 Victor Mote wrote:
> 2. In the trunk, the -x command-line option seems to be ignored. Also,
> AFAICT, the -c option appears to be ignored as well. At least custom font
> information seems to be ignored, with no message being logged to tell what
> is going on. (I tested identical setups with the maintenance branch, which
> works, and the trunk, which does not). Have our command-line options and/or
> our configuration file format changed? Or is something broken?

Jeremias Maerki

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