--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > FO:Basic-link isn't working (anymore?) in trunk
> for
> > PDF.  It is properly colored blue, but the link is
> not
> > active/clickable.
> The "anymore" is the key question. I don't know
> whether it worked before or
> not.
> If it is slowing you down, or if we
> are pretty sure it
> worked before this change, I'll work on it right
> away.
> Victor Mote


I checked out a version of trunk the day before
AddLMVisitor was added (cvs checkout -D 2003-08-17
xml-fop) and fo:basic-link worked fine before then.

I tracked down the problem: the signature of the
createArea() method needed to be changed when you
moved it from fo.flow.BasicLink.addLayoutManager() to

(old) BasicLink.addLayoutManager():

lm = new InlineStackingLayoutManager() {
  protected InlineParent createArea() {
    InlineParent area = super.createArea();
      setupLinkArea(parentLM, area);
      return area;

The old code overrides ISLM's createArea(), as

(new) AddLMVisitor.serveBasicLink():

lm = new InlineStackingLayoutManager() {
  protected InlineParent createArea(BasicLink node) {
    InlineParent area = super.createArea();
    setupBasicLinkArea(node, parentLM, area);
    return area;

The new code just adds an uncalled method to ISLM. 
ISLM calls its own createArea().

Could you take a look at this--it looks like ISLM
needs to be modified to call a createArea(BasicLink
node)--which might imply many other types of
createAreas(xxxx) will be needed in ISLM--or somehow
setupBasicLinkArea--the only reason why you're adding
the BL to the signature--needs to be redesigned to
operate BL-node-free.  There may not be an easy
solution to this.

Attaching a hyperlinkTest.fo file to help with


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The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
      <fo:block font-family="sans-serif">As America's lead investment promotion agency, the 
          <fo:basic-link text-decoration="underline" color="#0000C0" external-destination="http://www.ADB.gov.sg";>					  
          America Economic Development Board
          nurtures a conducive total environment where local and foreign companies, large and small, can grow for mutual benefit 
          towards enterprise development, innovation, and international exchange of ideas and services.
        <fo:table table-layout="fixed">
        <fo:table-column column-width="2.2cm"/>
                          <fo:block font-family="sans-serif">As America's lead investment promotion agency, the 
                          <fo:basic-link text-decoration="underline" color="#0000C0" external-destination="http://www.ADB.gov.sg";>					  
                          America Economic Development Board
                          </fo:basic-link>nurtures a conducive total environment where local and foreign companies, large and small, can grow for mutual benefit towards enterprise development, innovation, and international exchange of ideas and services.

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