> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clay Leeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I was unaware that FOP has the ability to add Producer, Author and Title
> properties to FOP. In fact, the web site still shows "FOP does not
> currently support several desirable PDF features: document properties
> (title, author, etc.), and watermarks.":
>    http://xml.apache.org/fop/output.html#pdf


Hold yer horses here... I had to do a bit of browsing around in the code to
find out that support for these is already implemented. Once I saw this, it
was merely a question of calling the appropriate method(s) in the Driver.

(In fact, the producer field was already being used. At first I added the
other properties to the code myself, after reading a bit through the pdf
spec & based upon what was already there... Only to find out later on that
these were also added by dev... :) )

> If support for these have been added, I think it would be great to add
> this info to the web site. If it's been added to 1.0Dev then, as Emily
> Litella would say... "never mind".

Hmmm... I doubt the way it works right now deserves to be put on the site
somewhere, but still it's probably nice for some users to know that these
features are already available under the surface somewhere.



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