Eliot Kimber wrote:

Since the OpenType font metrics wouldn't include the kerning I don't know if it would be useful for full FOP, but it should be sufficient to allow basic font metrics for CFF OpenType fonts.

Sounds good, i'm sure it will be useful for FOP even within kerning.

I haven't had a chance yet to test this with the XML font data-based font metrics because it's the end of the day and now I can't find the font metrics class that would apply (as opposed to the AWTFontMetrics class).

Let me know if I should provide patches to someone. I used the 0.20.2-maintenance code as my base.

Could you created a unified diff for all the changed files, raise a bug in Bugzilla, attach the patch file and give the bug a title prefixed with [PATCH]? The FOP team are grateful for your efforts here.

Clay - looks like I spoke too soon, there may be more patches that could easily be put into a release.


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