Ich bin confused--ist chz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])--Christian
Geisert oder anderer Christian?  The bugzilla entry
lists chz as being "Christian Z", so I'm not sure whom
I'm speaking with!  


--- chz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The BreakIterator origins from the ICU project and
> they state that they
> even handle Thai correctly, which has no word
> separator like the space
> character and needs therefore a dictionary based
> solution.

That business logic is I believe already handled in
another class (FOBlock? I believe--the one calling the
current iterators), so these iterators are for actual
space removal in the Western sense.  (Of course, what
you mention may need tuning/fixing in FOBlock as

If the language has no space (Japanese, or Thai I
guess) then this particular portion, of whitespace
removal is not relevant I would guess--I think
dictionaries are needed for hyphenation, not space
removal, no?


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