> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luca Furini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


> A block inside an inline inside a block
<snip />
> creates:
> a) 3 different paragraphs too:
<snip />
> b) a single paragraph with all the text:
<snip />
> I'd say a), but I'm not sure.

My very first thought was a) too, but then again, I'm still wondering what
the intention is of allowing this sort of block-inline-block nesting in the
first place.
I'm unsure what the difference *should* be between the above and the case
where the inner block is *not* nested inside an fo:inline...
Since it is allowed by the spec: what is the intended effect of having a
block/list-block/table nested inside an inline?

Maybe something like this makes it clearer:
<fo:block font-size="40pt">
  <fo:inline font-size="6pt">
    <!-- add a long text here -->

which is then supposed to be rendered as two very large letters 'A' and 'B'
with, for example, a story in very small letters in between. (Although one
could argue that a similar effect can be achieved by a three column table
where the first and third column contain the two large letters, and the
second column contains the story...)

If this was the intention, then the proposed 'handing off the BlockLM to the
ancestor BlockLM' wouldn't work... :-(



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