
see comments inline

> We've started a systematic test suite for FOP 1.0dev development. It's
> located here:
> http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/xml-fop/test/layoutengine/
> Some initial documentation is here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/HowToCreateLayoutEngineTests

thanks, I'll take a look at that pages.

> > I'd like to document the FOP behaivor when it becomes an 
> input file that
> > contains a <fo:table/> with NO table-layout="fixed".
> > So in my case (not a test case (yet)) I saw a PDF file on 
> my disk (so
> > "out.size() > 0" is true ;)), but that guy is empty, since
> > FOP isn't able to process that <fo:table/>. Such a test 
> case would be
> > fine to create automated test on my development cases.
> According to the spec an empty fo:table element is illegal. It has to
> contain at least one fo:table-body element.

sure I more meant a (valid) table, which doesn't contain a table-layout 

> frozen. But if there are things that FOP 0.20.5 and (!) FOP 
> 1.0dev fail

is FOP 1.0dev able to process <fo:table> elements that do not contain
table-layout="fixed" ?

> I don't know if it helps you in this particular case but I've 
> written a
> general Java API for converting XML documents to graphical output
> (XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML to PDF, PS, SVG or whatever). I haven't 
> published it
> since I renamed the whole beast (now JAXG, formerly JAFOP), 
> but I expect
> to do that this month. I already use it to do all my private test code
> for FOP. I can send you a snapshot if you're interested. I've got
> implementations for FOP 0.20.5, FOP 1.0dev, FOray, JFOR and 
> Batik. Write

that sounds fine to me, will this be released under the umbrella of xmlgraphics 
project of the 

> once, use whatever implementation you would like, basically. 
> Of course,
> the conversion of HTML to XSL-FO is outside the scope of JAXG 
> since it's
> a process that happens before the actual conversion of the XML dialect
> to the final graphical format. But maybe preprocessors like the above
> two could be somehow integrated. I'd have to think about that 
> a little,
> though.

> > Any ideas? Or perhaps existing test cases ? ;)
> In the end I think what you really need is support for auto 
> table layout
> which neither FOP 0.20.5 and FOP 1.0dev support, yet. When converting

ok... that would be a *killer* feature for me ;)

> HTML to PDF this automatically comes up. At some point someone has to
> start implementing this feature and it's likely not going to 

do you know more details regarding the implementation of this feature?

Thanks for your informations,

> be me since
> I'm into strict XSL-FO business document where this was never 
> an issue,
> yet.
> I hope the above helps.
> Jeremias Maerki

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