On 29.07.2005 12:58:53 Luca Furini wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Add margin on simple-page-master as additional feature.
> ATM, doesn't this raise a PropertyException saying that "Border and 
> padding for a region must be 0"?

Nope. Doesn't look like it.

> The XSL 1.0 Recommendation states that "borders and padding are not 
> allowed with a page-reference-area" (6.4.12 fo:simple-page-master) and 
> that "the values of the padding and border-width traits must be 0." 
> (6.4.13 fo:region-body and for the other regions). This is not supposed to 
> change even in the upcoming 1.1 version, looking at the working 
> draft.

Guilty as charged. I didn't remember that little detail. I did tests
with a document that had this, so I tried it and it worked. :-)

> As having a border (and a padding too, necessarily) around the page is not 
> such an uncommon and unlikely situation, I was wondering if FOP should not 
> allow it, just warning the user about the non-standard feature that she/he 
> is using.
> FWIW both xep and xslFormatter allows borders and paddings in a region; 
> xep warns that they are extensions, the other says nothing.
> I agree that "everybody does this, why shouldn't we" is not a good reason; 
> but in this case there is a real need that cannot be satisfied in a 
> standard way.

Well, it doesn't hurt so much to do this. I think we should let this
fail when strict validation is on, and issue a warning when strict
validation is off. 

> For example, I tried to achieve the same result by setting a background 
> color for the page, and partially "covering" it with white regions ... but 
> a simple-page-master cannot have a background-color attribute according to 
> the standard! :-(

I think that's a feature that has been asked for many times. It would be
totally easy to allow a background on the simple-page-master. Again, we
can let it fail with strict validation and issue a warning about the
non-standard feature when strict validation is off.


Jeremias Maerki

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