On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 08:23:50PM +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> I finally uploaded my space resolution work so far. It's still not
> finished. When you go through the details you always find more stuff to
> look into and to fix. But most of it works now and is available for
> review while I work on the remaining issues. I assume there is room for
> optimization here and there. So don't hesitate to jump in and help. The
> enabled test cases all pass.
> What I forgot to include in the commit message: I changed from empty
> block areas to space-before and space-after traits! This caused a lot of
> changed checks in the test cases. That was a project on its own. :-) But
> the area trees are much clearer now.

That is a lot of code. The result looks very robust.

The following case seems to present a problem:

      <fo:block space-before="10pt" background-color="#B55555">

The empty block seems to split the stacking constraint into two
constraints, one containing the space-after of the preceding block,
and another containing the space-before of the following block. IMHO,
this should be a single stacking constraint, case 3d in the spec.,
section 4.2.5, Stacking Constraints.

When the empty block has space-before and/or space-after, it results
even in a rule in the output.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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