I'm near the end of my work for basic PDF/A-1b support. PDF/A-1b
mandates the use of an OutputIntent if uncalibrated color spaces (like
DeviceRGB) are used. That means that in each PDF which has PDF/A-1b
enabled an ICC color profile will be embedded and used in the
OutputIntent object. Since we don't support ICC-based colors, yet, I've
hard-coded sRGB into PDF/A-1b support (XSL-FO supports sRGB and
ICC colors, XSL 1.0, 5.9.9). But that means I need to embed the sRGB
IEC61966-2.1 color profile. The JRE provides such a color profile but
does this is a weird way: the profile alone is about 140KB. That's why
I'd like to use the standard sRGB profile from HP. Info on that file:

Obtained from: http://www.srgb.com/usingsrgb.html

The file "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" is:
Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company

To anyone who acknowledges that the file "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" 
permission to use, copy and distribute this file for any purpose is hereby 
granted without fee, provided that the file is not changed including the HP 
copyright notice tag, and that the name of Hewlett-Packard Company not be 
used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software 
without specific, written prior permission.  Hewlett-Packard Company makes 
no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.

I need to get the license approved by the VP legal affairs but I don't
expect any problems.

Anyone against me including this color profile (3144 bytes, uncompressed)
in the org.apache.fop.pdf package?

Jeremias Maerki

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