I've updated the ReleasePlanning page. ATM, I've simply changed it to
what I read from this thread. Please, everyone, help sorting out the
details so we can decide where to go.

On 19.06.2006 10:31:15 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > So maybe we need a feature freeze and bug fixing period?
> Not only that. We need a Wiki page listing all issues everyone wants to
> see fixed/handled before a 1.0 release. We can then decide on which
> subset we are really going to process. Otherwise, we won't finish before
> 2007.
> There was http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/ReleasePlanning. I
> suggest we streamline that page and bring it up to date again, so we
> have a single point to look at to track the progress towards 1.0.

Jeremias Maerki

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