On 27.09.2006 13:41:01 Tomas Studva wrote:
> Yes, I know the design goals of FOP are
>     * Conformance to the XSL-FO Specification
>     * Process Files of Arbitrary Size
>     * Minimize Memory Use
> and to use it in WYSIWYG editor is extend  of FOP project scope. 
> Co-developer of Euroamth2, has as diploma thesis theme, design of such 
> rendering (layout, painting, ...) engine usable in WYSIWYG editor. The 
> engine should be abstract enough to be usable for any graphical or 
> textual view, and extendable
> to be usable for concrete document type, like FO. So he will work and 
> maybe he will cooperate with FOP designers to design a good rendering 
> engine.

Something like that is HUGE! Even just supporting XSL-FO properly is
half a nightmare. I've once investigated a commercial FO processor which
was implemented on top of a general layout engine. They ended up writing
a new engine just for XSL-FO because they simply couldn't get to the
right quality level. So I'd be careful about the goals you set yourself.


> >> And last, is there option to speed up FOP generally, by lowering output
> >> quality or something?
> >
> > Not by lowering the output quality, no. You can help by profiling and
> > optimizing FOP and you can make sure the editor only generates the
> > minimal FO content to produce the right document. Many editor generate
> > much too much (redundant) content not making use of property inheritance.
> > That can have an influence on performance.
> Yes, I can make a profile of FOP if you don't have any yet, and can send 
> it.

Well, frankly, I can profile myself. More important would be to act on
the results of the profiling.

> I notice, but I think such optimization to produce minimal content would 
> have only a small effect in document, where are plenty of blocks or 
> inlines.

A colleague once got at least 30% more performance after manually
optimizing a stylesheet generated by an FO editor. So I wouldn't call
that a small effect. But granted, your editor is a content editor, not
an FO editor that generates XSLT stylesheets, so the circumstances are a
little different.


> We(EM2 people) are going to have a meeting, so I am sending emails, to 
> collect as many info about BIG problems as possible. After meeting, more 
> should be clearer. And thanks for answer.

We look forward to hearing from you again and would be delighted if
anyone from your project could assist us improving FOP.

Jeremias Maerki

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