On Jul 18, 2007, at 22:17, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

FWIW: going over those initial figures again, and

Class Name | Objects |Shallow Heap |Retained Heap |Perm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CondLengthProperty | 315'760| 7'578'240| 7'578'240|

These still seem to eating up quite some memory. I've also been looking at those, but the big bugger here is the Length-component, which can be a PercentLength, and as such is currently non-eligible for caching... :(

If this could somehow be circumvented, we could easily reach the stadium of caching entire CommonBorderPaddingBackground bundles.

org.apache.fop.fo.flow.Block | 26'391| 4'855'944| 54'554'584| org.apache.fop.fo.properties.SpaceProperty | 87'592| 4'204'416| 7'160'880| org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBorderPaddingBackground | 78'940| 3'789'120| 16'419'968| org.apache.fop.fo.properties.KeepProperty | 110'661| 3'541'152| 3'541'152|

KeepProperty's also one I might look into very soon. The three components are all either enums or absolute numbers, so caching those should prove to be quite doable. As to SpaceProperty, again the possibility of PercentLengths prevents caching from having any use at all. The main blocker here is that there's a reference to the FObj stored in the implied LengthBase, which makes each PercentLength specific to the FObj it was created for...

As a closing note for this one:
How about scrapping the CommonHyphenation, CommonFont etc. entirely, and binding the applicable properties to the FONodes directly instead?

In the layout-code, you would not have:

boolean hyphenate = ((Block) fo).getCommonHyphenation ().isHyphenateEnabled();

but simply:

boolean hyphenate = ((Block) fo).isHyphenateEnabled();

Seems much cleaner. Although I'm still not entirely happy about the property access, this already looks much more readable and avoids the overhead of the bundle-instances themselves altogether...



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