I decided not to send a request for clarification for this one, since 
the latest CSS 2.1 [1] Candidate Recommendation clears up that issue 
[2]. Excerpt from [2]:
    “Each row is as wide as the row groups and as tall as a normal 
    (single-row-spanning) cell in the row. As with columns, the 
    background covers exactly the full area of all cells that originate 
    in the row, even if they span outside the row, but this difference 
    in area does not affect background image positioning.”

This is trivial to handle for coloured background, but won’t ease life 
when it comes to image backgrounds I think.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#table-layers

Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Guys,
> I believe there's a bug in the handling of table- and row-backgrounds.
> See the following fo snippet:
> <fo:table width="100%"
>   table-layout="fixed"
>   border-collapse="separate"
>   border-separation="8pt"
>   background-color="blue"
>   border="4pt solid black">
>   <fo:table-column number-columns-repeated="2"
>     column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>
>   <fo:table-body>
>     <fo:table-row background-color="yellow">
>       <fo:table-cell border="4pt solid red" number-rows-spanned="2">
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.1</fo:block>
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.1</fo:block>
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.1</fo:block>
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.1</fo:block>
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.1</fo:block>
>       </fo:table-cell>
>       <fo:table-cell border="4pt solid red">
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.2</fo:block>
>         <fo:block>Cell 1.2</fo:block>
>       </fo:table-cell>
>     </fo:table-row>
>     <fo:table-row background-color="green">
>       <fo:table-cell border="4pt solid red">
>         <fo:block>Cell 2.1</fo:block>
>       </fo:table-cell>
>     </fo:table-row>
>   </fo:table-body>
> </fo:table>
> The result we get is on the left on the attached picture. I believe the
> correct one should be the drawing on the right, because the area
> corresponding to the border-separation should be painted with the
> background of the table, not of the rows (see §6.7.3 of XSL-FO 1.1).
> That's what Firefox is doing.
> Any disagreements?
> Vincent

Vincent Hennebert                            Anyware Technologies
http://people.apache.org/~vhennebert         http://www.anyware-tech.com
Apache FOP Committer                         FOP Development/Consulting

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