On May 13, 2008, at 12:20, Andreas Delmelle wrote:
On May 13, 2008, at 11:59, Andreas Delmelle wrote:

background-position-shorthand-test.fo Error file:/home/acumiskey/ workspace/tru/test/fotree/testcases/background-position-shorthand- test.fo Property 'background-position-vertical' expected to evaluate to '0mpt' but got '0.0%' (test:assert in fo:block at line #53, column #79)

java.lang.IllegalStateException: file:/home/acumiskey/workspace/ tru/test/fotree/testcases/background-position-shorthand-test.fo Property 'background-position-vertical' expected to evaluate to '0mpt' but got '0.0%'
(test:assert in fo:block at line #53, column #79)

This one, I'm not sure, yet. Needs further investigation... I'll get back on this one.

Must have something to do with caching CommonBorderPaddingBackground. No idea why it is suddenly using 0%. This should (obviously) resolve to a FixedLength of 0mpt...

Decided to force the default zero value for both properties (and the shorthand) to absolute lengths (0pt) instead of percentages (0%). This makes the test pass again, and should be better for memory- consumption.

So, trunk should be stable again.

Apologies for the inconvenience.



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