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On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Glenn Adams <gl...@skynav.com> wrote:

> I have performed a brief study of the current findbugs exclusions file. At
> present there are 1094 exclusions covering 101 distinct exclusions types.
> Of these types, half (~50) have 3 or fewer exclusions.
> I plan to start cleaning up these exclusions by first fixing all types
> having 10 or fewer exclusions. This will leave approximately 25 types of
> exclusions to handle in a second fix pass.
> Eventually, I will identify in the exclusions file all exclusion types
> that should not be permitted to be added, i.e., that must be fixed. I
> expect that some exclusion types will remain, such as:
> Those that remain (and added in the future) should be subject to an
> explicit design choice, and not merely to silence a warning.
> Once I sort this out, I will ask for a vote on enabling findbugs in
> nightly builds.

Attachment: findbugs-bugs.xlsx
Description: MS-Excel 2007 spreadsheet

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