On 2019-02-28 Chris wrote:
> On 2019-02-22 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
> > On 09/02/2019 18:25, Jan Tosovsky wrote:
> > >
> > > there is a proposal to enhanced painting of table borders to avoid 
> > > visual inconsistencies in some renderers (Acrobat Reader, Chrome):
> > > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOP-2536
> >
> > My intention was to write a layout test case. However, when layout 
> > test is executed, the PDF renderer configuration is ignored as the MIME 
> > type is now application/X-fop-intermediate-format, where this option
> > is missing.
> >
> > So there are some options now:
> > (1) making this option global (like target-resolution)
> > (2) duplicating this option also for Intermediate renderer (AFAIK there is 
> > no
> > other option yet)
> > (3) accepting that the overpainting is not covered by any layout test
> Of the 3 options you propose, option (2) seems the most preferable.

Mine as well, but this option turned out to be the most complex one. After I 
deduced how it works and then implemented it, I found that XML rendering has a 
support for mimicking the renderer so that option for XML renderers is not 
needed :-)

Anyway, the patch has finally landed. 


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