Comments below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Denes dos Santos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: February 27, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: region boundaries

Hi all,

I'm having a problem with regions. In the simplecol4 example, I changed the
page layout  as showed above:


    <!-- layout for the first page -->
    <fo:simple-page-master master-name="only"
      <fo:region-body   margin-top="1cm" margin-bottom="1cm"
            column-count="3" column-gap="0.15in"/>
      <fo:region-before extent="4cm"/>
      <fo:region-after extent="4cm"/>

  <The remaining of the example is the same.>

When I print the page using acroread, all the margins are ok,  but the body
overlapped the before and after regions (the init of the body is at 1.5cm
from the top margin and 1cm from the bottom margin). The text of the after
region was printed four lines before the end of the body region, like a

In my understanding, the extent of the region-after and region-before is the
length of the region, and the region-body should use all the remaining space
in the center (something like the BorderLayout in Java). Is this correct?

Can someone tell me how the extent works and how can I define a static
length for the before and after regions?

Thanks in advance



Because of the margings on the page-master, you effectively have a working
area of height (29.7cm - 3cm - 2cm) = 24.7cm, and a width of (21cm - 2.5cm -
2.5cm) = 16cm.

There are no changes made to reference-orientation, so the margin directions
on the *region-body* correspond to the page-master directions. As a result,
the region-body (which does _not_ use all the remaining space in the centre)
is inset 1cm from the top, 1cm from the bottom, and 0cm from both left and
right, ending up with a height (also block-progression-dimension in this
case, with the default 'paginate' &  'overflow' settings) of (24.7cm - 1cm -
1cm) = 22.7cm, and a width (also inline-progression-dimension) of 16cm.

The before & after regions will overlap by 3cm because the extents on the
outside regions, AND the margins on the region-body, are both measured from
the edges of the content-rectangle of the page: the 24.7cm x 16cm rectangle.

If you set the margin-top and margin-bottom on the region-body to 5cm you
would have 1cm clearance. In which case the region-body height would be


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