Did you take a look at the Cocoon project at www.apache.org . perhaps that
would solve the problem without any hard coding work.

On 2002.04.07 22:36 Ian Stacey wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll apologise in advance for potentially being ignorant to the way
> Apache
> projects work.
> I'm interested in using FOP in a COM object for use on a web server to
> allow
> me to dynamically generate PDF documents. I want to take database content
> and mark this up using XSL, generate my PDF and then return it to the
> client.
> My questions are as follows...
> 1. Can this be done technically? I believe a colleague of mine will be
> able
> to take the FOP source and make a COM object out of it, I'll then be able
> to
> use the COM object within my ASP to do what I want to do.
> 2. Is what I want to do, in accordance with licensing? If I were to do
> this,
> would I breach any copyright? Break any laws? Upset hard working
> individuals
> who produces the code?
> Thanks for any help any users of the list can give.
> Ian
>  Ian Stacey
>  New Media Developer
>  T: +44 (0) 161 292 1312
>  M: +44 (0) 7970 288010
>  W: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/istacey/
>  Portfolio Pieces:
>  Laser Visual Software: http://www.laservisual.com/
>  Chester Soccer: http://www.chestersoccer.co.uk/
>  Bailey Instruments Ltd: http://www.baileyinstruments.co.uk/
>  Phil Stockford Garage Equipment Ltd: http://www.vehicle-lifts.co.uk/

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