lepeklhine wrote:
I use fop 0.20.4 and dockbook-xsl-1.55.0
I can not manage subscripts in pdf files
to be rendered as they must be - they always
appeare as the ordinary text.
Probably docbook-xsl uses baseline-shift property for subscripts, but unfortunately baseline-shift is not implemented yet in FOP. Usual practice is to use vertical-align="sub" instead, but I have no idea how can you manage with it considering generic docbook-xsl stylesheets. Try to override subscript processing in the stylesheets.

The similar case happens with ulink tag -
it is converted to <A HREF="link"> in html page
but is rendered as [#link] in pdf.
Is this fop bug or docbook-xsl bug or something else that I don't know?
Links should be okay, probably the problem is in a stylesheet. How does generated fo look like?

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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