On 29.01.2003 12:59:59 Mirko Sertic wrote:
> Is there any way to generate "PS pass thru" via pdfmark using the
> PDF-renderer?


> Can i do this using the PS renderer?

Also no.

> I need a way to specify the paper input
> and
> output tray for each rendered page. Has anybody done this before ?

Now, you're getting a yes. :-) I've done this. I've produced PDF
converted it to PostScript using Acrobat Reader 4.05 on Unix (Linux and
Solaris). The generated PostScript can be easily parsed because it
follows the DSC conventions (Document Structuring Conventions, Specs at
Adobe in the PostScript section). I've then patched the PostScript file
with the necessary instructions for the target printer.

There's one problem, though: There's currently no way to get information
through which page was rendered with which page-master to get the input
trays right. I ended up having XPath statements in the configuration of
that system I was working on that evaluated the input XML file and
generated information for the PostScript patcher to output the correct
instructions for each page. Quite some work. But it's doable.

The clean way, obviously, would be to extend the PostScript renderer to
support PPD files which contain the instructions for selecting paper
bins and the like. For that to work as expected we will need a FOP
extension on the simple-page-master where we can specify the paper bins
to be used because that lies outside of the XSL-FO standard.

A simpler solution is to add a callback to FOP that sends you
notifications of the page-master each page was layouted with. But that's
just to get information on which page is on which page-master. You'll
still have to do the PostScript patching.

All this is on the todo list, but nobody's had the time or the need and
it's probably better done in the redesign than in the maintenance branch.

> And if it works,
> will ghostscript understand that correctly and work even with a non PS-able
> printer?

GhostScript, to my knowledge, doesn't interpret paper bin etc.

Another things that you can try is to create EPS files containing the
bin selection code. I doubt very much that this will work, though.

Good luck.

Jeremias Maerki

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