
Xavier Prelat wrote:
Hi all,

Can someone can tell me if there is any resources about property values
already implemented in current FOP version ??

I've checked http://xml.apache.org/fop/implemented.html

and it gives the list of already implemented objects and properties...

I explain :  I try tu use the "border-style" property "dotted" (or "dashed")
value in a fo:table-cell and I can't display something else than "none" and

Am I wrong or is this not implemented yet ???



In my experience, solid is the only one which works with PRINT. However, others (double, dotted, etc.) work with PDF output. I've found PDF output to have a bit more polish than PRINT, as far as border-style goes.

OT: Also, I've filed a bug in bugzilla for rendering differences (apparently related to font-metrics/line-height?) between PRINT & PDF:


As I look at that bug, I notice that I need to make some changes. The bug is not necessarily limited to AWT rendering as it indicates.
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