J.Pietschmann wrote:
Matthias Schäfer wrote:

I guess you had problems with this in the past.

I never used any IBM JVM with AWT stuff, others reported this last year, look into the mailing list archives. The solutions were "upgrade" or "switch to Sun JVM" (unless on AIX, where the IBM JVM is the only viable choice).

If you switch to Sun's JVM: some 1.3.0 releases and basically
all 1.4.0 beta releases are said to have a variety of problems
with AWT text rendering, the latter most notable with
character width calculations. Use 1.3.1 or 1.4.1/1.4.2.
For details, consult Sun's BugParade.

In my experience, Sun JVM 1.4.0_06 and later correctly output font-kerning using -awt (and -print, since it uses AWT). On the "IBM" side, IBM JVM 1.3.x worked OK on AIX. In fact, we've been telling our clients to use Sun Java 1.4.0_06+, or IBM Java 1.3+.

However, since you're having problems, with IBM Java 1.3.x, I may have to revisit that advice. Out of curiosity, are all fonts affected or is it just one or two, and if so, which font(s) have you tested?

FWIW, I've used Sun 1.4.1_01-b01 successfully on Win32, and as mentioned java130 on AIX. Our Linux box is using 1.4.0_02. All of these installations output "Courier" and "Times" acceptably.

I have yet to run any tests with Sun 1.4.2...

Hope someone finds at least a portion of this informative...

Web Maestro Clay

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