Matthias Schäfer wrote:
Clay Leeds wrote:
J.Pietschmann wrote:
I never used any IBM JVM with AWT stuff, others reported this
last year, look into the mailing list archives. The solutions
were "upgrade" or "switch to Sun JVM" (unless on AIX, where
the IBM JVM is the only viable choice).

Upgrade to ??? Is there a IBM-JVM other than 1.3.0 or 1.3.1 without that problems ?

I don't know which version of AIX you're using, but IBM apparently now offers a Java 1.4 for AIX 5.1 & 5.2. More info can be found here:

NOTE: I haven't used this release (I'll be looking into whether or not this may be useful to us and/or our clients)

If you switch to Sun's JVM: some 1.3.0 releases and basically
all 1.4.0 beta releases are said to have a variety of problems
with AWT text rendering, the latter most notable with
character width calculations. Use 1.3.1 or 1.4.1/1.4.2.
For details, consult Sun's BugParade.

In my experience, Sun JVM 1.4.0_06 and later correctly output font-kerning using -awt (and -print, since it uses AWT). On the "IBM" side, IBM JVM 1.3.x worked OK on AIX. In fact, we've been telling our clients to use Sun Java 1.4.0_06+, or IBM Java 1.3+.

However, since you're having problems, with IBM Java 1.3.x, I may have to revisit that advice. Out of curiosity, are all fonts affected or is it just one or two, and if so, which font(s) have you tested?

The problems occur, when I choose no font (wich seems to be Helvetica) and with Helvetica. Using Courier or Times in the table-rows is ok, but produces problems on my table-header. So I tested to use Helvetica on table-header and Times on the rows. In this combination I see no problems. Of course it is not ideal to mix fonts. Is there any other font shipped with fop I can use, or is "importing" a font a solution ?

FOP's Fonts page contains much of the information I think you're looking for:

Of particular note, is the point, that (I believe) FOP is shipped with no fonts. Instead, it relies on the system/renderer combination. As for AWT/Print, according to the chart:

Base-14 Fonts

The Adobe PDF Specification specifies a set of 14 fonts that must be available to every PDF reader: Helvetica (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Times (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Courier (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Symbol and ZapfDingbats.

AWT/Operating System Fonts

The AWT family of renderers (AWT, Print, SVG), use the Java AWT libraries for font metric information. Through operating system registration, the AWT libraries know what fonts are available on the system, and the font metrics for each one.

FWIW, I've used Sun 1.4.1_01-b01 successfully on Win32, and as mentioned java130 on AIX. Our Linux box is using 1.4.0_02. All of these installations output "Courier" and "Times" acceptably.

I have yet to run any tests with Sun 1.4.2...

Hope someone finds at least a portion of this informative...

BTW, in your original msg you mentioned using fop-0.20.5rc2... Have you tried using the release version: fop-0.20.5 (fop-0.20.5rc2 is a few months old...):


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