> -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Mote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Problem 2: The better solution is to eliminate the font-metrics file
> completely, have the config point to the font file itself, and
> read the font
> file on-the-fly to get the metric information. I don't think this is going
> to be very hard to do either.


I like this idea even better... I always wondered why you first had to
generate the metrics file and then afterwards you still had to have a
reference to the original TTF or PFM as well as to the generated XML, so
perhaps *that* is indeed the step that I somehow suspected would be better
to integrate into FOP itself - couldn't quite put my finger on it. The only
part that would need to be documented in that case, is adding the
corresponding entr(y|ies) to the config. This would certainly cut down on
the number of questions posted WRT font customization...

> backwards). *After*
> that, fonts are at the top of the priority list (mine anyway), and Andreas
> is welcome to do as much of it as he likes. We have a wide range of
> under-the-hood improvements planned, as well as items like the above that
> should simplify using fonts.

Well, for the moment I will restrict myself somewhat to figuring out which
steps need to be taken - some preparatory work as it were. Then, when the
1.0 version is ready for such a modification, I can have it done in a
relatively short time-span.

> I just want to make sure folks don't think we are ignoring these
> things.

Well, that was certainly never on my mind... Sorry if I gave that
impression. I really don't mean to put the project under pressure - we all
probably have more than enough of that already in our everyday jobs, so...

> I could double my productivity if I could stop cursing the decision to
> the development into two lines.

... take it easy.

Read you later.



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