Fleetwood, Brett (SSABSA) schrieb:

I read that using multiple page sequences in the XSL and
therefore in the FO means that fop will release some memory.

The ML archives seem to indicate that, but I'm unsure how significant the savings would be. It might not be worth the effort. I'm currently looking in this area for our newer version (1.0) and hopefully "band-aids" such as these will not be necessary in the future.

Is there any solutions I can use that uses
multiple page sequences or possible change the xml structure, if not is
there another FOP transformer that isn't as memory intensive.

RenderX and AntennaHouse are the main commercial implementations.

<fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4"

<fo:page-sequence master-reference="contents">

Hmmm...I guess I'm missing something here--doesn't the master reference ("contents") need to refer to the master-name of the simple-page-master ("A4")?


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