J.Pietschmann wrote:
Simon Pepping wrote:

I think it is time to create a project for the hyphenation files at
Sourceforge. The project should be a home for all sorts of accessories
to FOP, or even to FO processors in general. Do you want to
participate? Do you know a nice name?

Well, sf.net would appeal to a larger body of developers, I think,
and is certainly easier to menage for small projects, but we
can also ask on jakarta-commons, xml-commons and even declare it
a FOP (or XML graphics) subproject.

Anyway, I just uploaded
which contains several unfinished stuff I produced the last year:
- Utilities to generate tables for the Unicode line break property

Does Character.UnicodeBlock provide any of this functionality?

Peter B. West <http://www.powerup.com.au/~pbwest/resume.html>

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