I finally achieved the layout I wanted.
Thank you for your help.

I just needed to know a bit more about how the regions work.

(I use PDF as the output format, and use points as units rather than pixels as 
I did in the example.)

-----Original Message-----
From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 8. januar 2005 21:04
Subject: Re: Page background color

Dennis Myrén wrote:
> However, I started trying just to get the background color to be applied 
> across all regions, and I have not succeeded.
> Please tell me what I am doing wrong with this simple document.
> Only the region-body region gets blue background color.

Your region-before and -after have no extent, i.e. they get an
extent of zero. You'll have to defione a region-start and -end
as well.

Which output format are you using? Measurements in px should not
be used except for bitmapped output formats.


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